VIVAnews - Information Technology observer, Muhammad Salahuddien Manggalanny have pocketed a spreader perpetrator video. The actors are very professional, said one expert who asked police to probe the case of porn videos that is associated with Ariel "Peterpan", Luna Maya, and Cut Tari.
"We already have several lists that can be followed up by the police. More than one. But these groups, can set people or a profession," he said in a conversation with VIVAnews Salahuddien, Wednesday, June 16, 2010.
According to him, it could be perpetrators are a very expert or mastermind who can also hire these professional people. "To be sure, this is not normal distribution," he said.
One indication that this is a professional action is of a pattern of dispersal. Performers have to convert video file size becomes very downloadable porn or can be downloaded easily and lightly.
"The original size can be up to 50 megabytes. But who now lives 15 mega, there are even smaller again until 4-5 mega. The video of this size so can be accessed via mobile phones," said this Vice Chairman of the Indonesia-Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure ( ID-SIRTII).
Thus, the word Salahuddien, target the actual perpetrators not only of Internet users through a personal computer, but especially the cellular phone users who already have adequate tools to play the video.
"These people really know that the multimedia mobile phone users in Indonesia more than 100 million. Mobile phones are Internet ready for more than 80 million," he added. (Kd)
"We already have several lists that can be followed up by the police. More than one. But these groups, can set people or a profession," he said in a conversation with VIVAnews Salahuddien, Wednesday, June 16, 2010.
According to him, it could be perpetrators are a very expert or mastermind who can also hire these professional people. "To be sure, this is not normal distribution," he said.
One indication that this is a professional action is of a pattern of dispersal. Performers have to convert video file size becomes very downloadable porn or can be downloaded easily and lightly.
"The original size can be up to 50 megabytes. But who now lives 15 mega, there are even smaller again until 4-5 mega. The video of this size so can be accessed via mobile phones," said this Vice Chairman of the Indonesia-Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure ( ID-SIRTII).
Thus, the word Salahuddien, target the actual perpetrators not only of Internet users through a personal computer, but especially the cellular phone users who already have adequate tools to play the video.
"These people really know that the multimedia mobile phone users in Indonesia more than 100 million. Mobile phones are Internet ready for more than 80 million," he added. (Kd)
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