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24 February 2010

EPA to soften CO2 requirements on industry

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Monday it would slow a phase-in of new limits on carbon dioxide from coal and other heavy industry plants to ease concerns about the impact on the economy.
The Obama administration has pushed the EPA to begin regulating gases blamed for warming the planet in an effort to force polluters to support a climate change bill that is stalled in Congress.
Slowing down the rules could give Congress more time to develop a legislative answer to reducing carbon pollution and avoid a lengthy legal battle over whether the agency has the authority to regulate the emissions.
In September, the EPA said it would require coal plants and refineries and other heavy industry facilities emitting more than 25,000 tons a year of greenhouse gases to obtain permits demonstrating they were using the best technology available to reduce emissions blamed for warming the planet.
The agency expects to issue the new rules at the end of next month.
"EPA is considering raising that threshold substantially to reflect input provided during the public comment process," the agency said in a statement.
The EPA was responding to a letter sent last week by Senator Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat from coal-rich West Virginia, and senators from other energy states that expressed concerns about the impact on U.S. workers and businesses owners of EPA rules that would cut output of the gases from the heavy industry plants.
On Monday, Rockefeller said EPA's overture was "good progress."
Nonetheless, he said he would craft legislation to "provide Congress the space it needs" to consider a "workable" climate policy that "will protect jobs and stimulate the economy."
Sources on Capitol Hill were anticipating Rockefeller could introduce a bill imposing a temporary pause, possibly two or three years, for EPA to issue carbon emission-reduction regulations.
"EPA actions in this area would have enormous implications on clean coal state economies and these issues need to be handled carefully and appropriately dealt with by the Congress, not in isolation by a federal environmental agency," Rockefeller said in a statement.
Senator Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, wants to permanently bar the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. An aide said she could demand a vote on her bill in mid-March.
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson did not say how much the threshold might be raised. But she expected that EPA would not put any of the new carbon reduction rules in place before 2011.
The agency does not intend to subject smaller plants to permitting any sooner than 2016, she said.
Several states had been concerned EPA was moving too fast. Last month California, the most populous U.S. state, urged the EPA to slow down implementation of the rules, saying they could hurt a plans to transform its energy system to run more on renewable energy like solar power.
Other states had complained moving quickly could overwhelm their permit offices.
Several environmental groups said the EPA move would create a reasonable timeline to cut emissions. "Just as it has with other pollutants for 40 years, EPA has now made crystal clear that it will address global warming pollution in a way that benefits both our economy and our environment," said Carl Pope, the head of the Sierra Club.
(Editing by Marguerita Choy)

23 February 2010

Ajinomoto to Recycle Empty Fruit Bunch for Seasonal Gift Packaging

JFS/Ajinomoto Empty Fruit Bunch
Copyright Ajinomoto Co.
Ajinomoto Co., a world-renowned food products manufacturer, started selling items packaged in cardboard boxes made of empty fruit bunch (EFB) paper, it announced on October 8, 2009. It marks the first OPS recycled consumer packaging in Japan.
EFB pulp is manufactured by mixing EFB fiber and used paper. Unlike other non-wood paper products, using EFB allows a year-round stable production and supply of paper. Empty fruit bunch are normally discarded as industrial waste at local mill factories after palm fruits are taken for oil production. Using this unexploited natural resource to make packaging material is therefore expected to reduce industrial waste and contribute to the effective use of natural resources.

EFB paper is used for lid boxes holding bottles of Ajinomoto's Kenko Salala oil, a low cholesterol cooking oil and a popular gift season item. The use of EFB material also aims to reduce the environmental impact of winter gift-wrapping that often consumes a large amount of packaging. The company plans to add more EFB-packaged items in the future.

[Newsletter] What Can a Global Food Company Do Toward Sustainability? - Ajinomoto's Story

Ajinomoto Group Launches 'Zero Emissions' Plan for 2005 - 2010 (Related JFS article)
Ajinomoto Co. global website
Posted: 2010/02/01 06:00:15 AM

Scientists Confirm Percent Yield of Making Bioethanol from Seaweed

The Fisheries Research Agency of Japan announced on March 25, 2008, that it has confirmed for the first time, in cooperation with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and others, just how much bioethanol could be produced per unit weight of seaweed and water plants. The percent yield (of dry weight) shown by the research team was 10 percent for sea lettuce and 16 percent for water hyacinth, respectively.

The agency and related organizations started the study on new technologies to produce ethanol from seaweed and water plants in fiscal 2007, funded by the Japanese Fisheries Agency under the project of developing technology for utilizing marine biomass as a new energy resource. Based on the study, a research team led by Professor Naoto Urano of the university and Motoharu Uchida, a senior researcher of the agency, confirmed the yield of ethanol per unit weight of seaweed and water plants when being produced through fermentation.

With the world's sixth largest economic sea zone despite its small land area, there are great expectations in Japan on the development of technology to produce ethanol from marine resources. The key will be to improve yields.

- Japanese Researchers Identify Gene that Boosts Plant Photosynthesis (Related JFS article)

Japan's Biomass Market Estimated to Approach 400 Billion Yen in FY2015

Fuji Keizai Co., a private Japanese research firm, announced on October 3, 2008, that it has released a report entitled "Biomass Utilization Market 2008: Total Picture and Future Outlook," which described the results of a survey on Japan's biomass market, conducted from May through August 2008. According to the report, the combined market for biomass technologies and biomass-derived products was worth 71 billion yen (about U.S.$789 million) in fiscal 2007, a 14 percent decline from the previous fiscal year. However, the report also says that the market is estimated to expand to 381.7 billion yen (about U.S.$4.24 billion) in fiscal 2015, on the grounds of a yearly increase in demand for biomass technologies and a steady growth of sales of biomass-derived products.
The report revealed the market status for nine biomass technologies, including direct biomass combustion and bio-gasification (methane fermentation) facilities, as well as eight biomass-derived products, such as biomass electricity, biogas, and bio-ethanol.
The report cited and analyzed three promising fields of the biomass market: bio-ethanol, bio-diesel, and bio-gasification facilities, in which methane is produced by anaerobically fermenting, such as food waste and livestock excrement. The report also examined the potential and future directions of biomass utilization businesses.
- Estimate Puts Fuel Cell Market at 1.2 Trillion Yen in 2020 (Related JFS article)
Market Focused on Preventing Global Warming Forecast to Grow Rapidly in Japan (Related JFS article)
http://www.japanfs.org/en/pages/027180.html- Fuji Keizai Group official website

Joint Research to Develop Cellulose Bio-Ethanol by 2015

Six Japanese companies, including Nippon Oil Corp., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corp. announced on February 9, 2009, their plan to set up a research body to develop non-food cellulosic bioethanol. The association aims to establish a production-process technology that enables the production of 200,000 kiloliters of bioethanol per year at 40 yen per liter (about 44 US cents), thus competing with conventional crude oil, by 2015.
The other three firms are Kajima Corp., Sapporo Engineering Ltd. and Toray Industries Inc. These six companies will bring their own elemental technologies to the table and aim to jointly develop a production-process with The University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University and Japan's research organizations for agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
Japan's target under the Kyoto Protocol accomplishment plan is to shift 500,000 kl (crude oil equivalent) of its annual transportation fuel use to biofuel by fiscal 2010, and the oil industry has started introducing Bio Ethyl Tertial-Butyl Ether (Bio ETBE; synthesized from bioethanol and petroleum gas) on the market in an effort to meet this target. They started pilot sales of the product in 2007 and plan to begin full-scale introduction of 840,000 kl by 2010. 840,000 kl of Bio-ETBE is equivalent to approximately 360,000 kl of bioethanol.
Partnership of Six Corporations to Establish Bioethanol Research Association

16 February 2010

Excessive, Student Fire Because of Facebook

Mayor Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands province (Riau Islands), Suryatati A Manan, excessive rate of school actions that took four students because the teacher insulted through social networking site Facebook. "The school seems too much, these children also have the right to learn," he said after attending Suryatati Lunar New Year celebration in Jalan Merdeka 2561 Tanjungpinang, Sunday.
Suryatati said, should these children be fostered before final action by the school. "I'll call the Head of City Education Department Tanjungpinang," said Suryatati.
Meanwhile, the Governor of Riau Islands, Ismeth Abdullah, admitted not knowing the problems of four students in high school 4 Tanjungpinang City who was expelled from school for insulting a female teacher with a dirty word through social networking Facebook. "I'll check first, then I will call Tanjungpinang mayor," he said.
Previously, Head of City Education Department Tanjungpinang, Ahadi, assess actions return four schools to the parents of their students was in accordance with the rules. These students return on their effect on jfacebook in contempt of a teacher. "We assess the action taken in accordance with the school's rules and we support the actions taken by the school for these students return to their parents," Ahadi said.
According to Ahadi, four 4 Tanjungpinang high school students should know that their actions were a result of the teacher's credibility tainted in cyberspace. "All the teachers also agreed to return them to their parents, because their actions were not the only one who did not act properly, if at all possible was given a reprimand or a warning letter," he said.
High School Vice Principal 4 Tanjungpinang, Yose Rizal said, the words are written the students in the social networking site that was called something sensitive to a woman.
source: Republika

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14 February 2010

Color Changing Planet Pluto

Republika Online

LONDON - Scientists Space Agency United States (NASA) revealed, the planet Pluto is small and located at the end of the solar system is now increasingly red. The pictures taken Hubble space telescope show that the planet is 20 percent more red than before.

The experts believe, the phenomenon is caused by changes in the ice on the surface of Pluto in the planet entered a new phase of the orbit for 248 years.

New pictures show a frozen nitrogen increasingly shining on the north and getting darker in the south.

"These changes are likely the effect of melting ice at the poles of the sun, while at the other pole of frozen," the statement Telescope Science Institute for NASA Space, Friday (5 / 2) The

But some experts expressed surprise astromoni with these changes. ''A little surprising to see these changes happen so large and so fast, "said Marc Buie, of the Southwest Research Institute." It never happened before. "

In 2006, the astronomical revoke the status of Pluto as a planet full of a small planet. Planet is located very far away and far smaller than the eight other planets in this solar system is much smaller than a few months in space.

The astronomers also predicted, this red color does not affect the predicted temperature in pluto. Although there are reddish color, the surface temperature of Pluto is still very cold, at the point-233C.

Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Citizens in West Bank

Republika online
Saturday, 13 February 2010

Hebron - A number
of Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank, Friday, when he tried to stab them, said a military spokesman. The man, identified locally as Fayez Faraj (41), injured in the shooting in Hebron and taken to an Israeli hospital, but he later died.

Some residents said that Faraj, a father of 10 children, worked in a shoe factory. TV footage showed a small carving knife next to yellow body. Hebron, a Palestinian area of town where hundreds of Jews to live with one Israeli military garrison to protect them, often hit by violence.

Such incidents had subsided when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tried to enforce the rule of law and order and economic turn in the West Bank that received U.S. support. "The troops shot and wounded the attacker after he tried to stab a soldier but he died in the ambulance that took him to the hospital," said a military spokesman.

Wednesday, a Palestinian policeman was killed a soldier stabbing Israel in the northern West Bank, in an incident that is the first fatal attack on Israel this year in the Middle East conflict.

The Israeli military said the soldier was killed Wednesday Ihab Chattib, a career NCO who comes from a city predominantly Druse Arabs in northern Israel. Israel condemned the attack and said it would try to bring whoever is responsible to court.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad also condemned Wednesday's attack by saying, "The attacks against the Palestinian national interests and the efforts and commitment of the Government of Palestine." There is concern in Israel about the safety and effectiveness of the Palestinian forces that the U.S. educated in the West Bank, where Abbas has a limited mandate since lost control of the Gaza Strip.

Palestine is now a union of two separate areas - the Gaza Strip controlled by Hamas and the West Bank under the government of President Mahmoud Abbas. The split came after the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip in June of 2007 after defeating Fatah forces loyal to Abbas in a deadly battle for a few days.

European Union, Israel and the U.S. entered into the Hamas terrorist organization list. Hamas has so far remained involved in the conflict with Israel, which withdrew from the coastal region in 2005 but still memblokadenya. The war in and around Gaza erupted again after a six-month ceasefire ended on December 19, 2008.

Israel returned the Palestinian fighters firing rockets into the Jewish state by launching air strikes and a massive ground incursion into Gaza in a war that had no comparable criticism and condemnation from across the world.

Operation "Cast Lead" that Israel, which killed more than 1,400 people including hundreds of Palestinian civilians and destroying a large number of areas on the coastal line, claimed to aim to end rocket firing from Gaza. Thirteen Israelis have been killed during the war.

Middle East peace process since the conflict is bad, and Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas was still blockaded by Israel.

Hundreds of School Students Reject Valentine

Republika OnLine

Sunday, 14 February 2010

CIREBON - Not all teenagers to support the celebration of love or who is known as Valentine Day. The proof, hundreds of school children in Kota Cirebon action rejection usual celebration commemorated every February 14 is.

Hundreds of students came from junior high, MTS, and MI Darul Hikam, Panjunan Sub-District, District Lemahwungkuk, Kota Cirebon. They held a rejection of action at the school yard, Saturday (13 / 2), after studying at around 11:00 pm. In action, they held a white cloth measuring approximately ten meters. Above the fabric, the students then put their signatures as a symbol of the celebration of Valentine's rejection.

Not only that, the students also prepare a variety of attributes and posters that contain criticism of the celebration of Valentine. They judge, not a cultural celebration of Indonesia and not in accordance with the teachings of Islam. "We're bringing some friends so as not to celebrate Valentine's Day which is the culture of the infidels," said a 3rd grader Darul Hikam MTS Cirebon, Nurhayati.

Action was actually initiated by the school. Therefore, in addition to the students followed, the action was also followed by the teachers. In turn, a number of representatives of students and teachers also make speeches. Interval 60 minutes later, the action closed with prayer. Principal Madrasyah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Darul Hikam, Kurnida, explained, it was deliberately invites students to reject the celebration of Valentine's Day.

In addition to action against the celebration of valentine's rejection, the opportunity was also held fund-raising for the baby bilqis Anindia. 17-month-old baby was Atesia biliary disease, biliary tract disorder that is not normally formed. To operate the disease, bilqis require funds of around Rp 1 billion.

Mengubah Ukuran Foto Sekaligus dengan Pixresizer



Jika anda memiliki banyak foto atau gambar dan ingin mengubah semua ukuran gambar tersebut, maka akan sangat lama dan ribet sekali jika anda harus mengubahnya satu per satu. Untuk membantu mempermudah hal tersebut, anda bisa mencoba freeware Pixresizer ini. Pixreziser adalah freeware yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mengubah ukuran banyak gambar sekaligus melalui batch mode. Namun Pixreszer tidak hanya bisa anda gunakan untuk mengubah ukuran gambar atau foto saja, melainkan juga bisa anda gunakan untuk merotate (merotasi) gambar, mengconvert berbagai macam format gambar seperti JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG dan TIFF, serta membuat gambar menjadi grayscale.

Gambar yang diperkecil oleh Pixresizer akan memiliki ukuran byte yang lebih kecil, sehingga ini juga akan berguna bagi blogger atau pemilik situs dalam menghemat space dan badwidth hosting. Pixresizer merupakan software gratis yang lumayan berguna khususnya bagi blog / webmaster dan digital photografer. Bagaimana Mengubah ukuran gambar dengan Pixresizer ini ? berikut ini tutorialnya :

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Install dan ikuti setiap langkah penginstalan

Install dan ikuti setiap langkah penginstalan

Langkah Penginstalan

Langkah Penginstalan

Langkah Penginstalan

Langkah Penginstalan

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5. Untuk mengubah ukuran satu foto saja, anda tinggal memilih foto yang ingin anda rubah di menu “load picture”

Load Picture Untuk Memilih Gambar

Load Picture Untuk Memilih Gambar

6. Setelah anda memilih gambar, anda tingga memilih ukuran yang anda inginkan di menu “Select New Size” dan memilih formatnya di “Select Format” dan silahkan simpan menggunakan menu “save picture”

Save Picture untuk Menyimpan Gambar

Save Picture untuk Menyimpan Gambar

7. Untuk mengubah ukuran banyak gambar sekaligus, maka memilih menu “work with multiple files” kemudian pilih folder gambar yang ingin anda ubah di menu “source” dan memilih folder tujuan gambar yang baru melalui menu “Destination”.

Tutorial Resize Beberapa Gambar Sekaligus

Tutorial Resize Beberapa Gambar Sekaligus

8. Setelah itu silahkan pilih ukuran barunya dengan melakukan dobel klik di angka ukuran pixel.

Pilih Ukuran Pixel

Pilih Ukuran Pixel

9. Pilih Format outputnya, kemudian simpan melalui menu “Save picture”

Tombol Save untuk Menyimpan Gambar

Tombol Save untuk Menyimpan Gambar

Tips Mempercantik Foto dengan PhotoFunia

Foto Menarik dengan PhotoFunia

Foto Menarik dengan PhotoFunia

Foto sudah menjadi bagian penting dalam aktifitas kita. Apalagi dalam hal online, foto bisa menunjukkan identitas kita. Bahkan foto menjadi bagian utama aktualisasi diri melalui facebook, friendster maupun situs social network lainnya. Anda bosan dengan bentuk dan format foto yang itu – itu saja?? Anda ingin foto facebook atau friendster anda lebih menarik?? silahkan coba mempercantik foto anda dengan PhotoFunia. PhotoFunia adalah situs editor foto online yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengedit foto kita menjadi jauh lebih menarik.

Ada begitu banyak frame dan tema foto yang siap kita gunakan dengan mudah. Frame ini selalu bertambah dan terupdate terus, sehingga selalu ada frame – frame baru yang menarik untuk kita gunakan. Dengan PhotoFunia, foto – foto kita yang kita pajang di facebook, friendster maupun di blog kita akan tampil lebih cantik dan menarik. Bahkan ada banyak juga tema yang benar – benar lucu dan sangat menarik. Bagaimana caranya mengedit foto dengan PhotoFunia?? Berikut ini saya beri tips dan tutorialnya :

1. Buka situs PhotoFunia disini

2. Akan muncul banyak efek yang bisa anda pilih untuk anda gunakan di foto anda, pilih salah satu yang anda ingin gunakan

Pilih Frame dan Efek yang Ingin anda gunakan

Pilih Frame dan Efek yang Ingin anda gunakan

3. Klik tombol “Choose File” untuk memilih foto yang ingin anda edit


Klik Choose File

4. Pilih Foto yang ingin anda edit dan klik “open”

Pilih Foto dan Klik Open

Pilih Foto dan Klik Open

5. Silahkan tunggu beberapa saat dan Vhoillaaa..foto anda sudah jadi lebih menarik dengan efek dan frame yang telah anda pilih :) , silahkan klik “save to disk” untuk menyimpan foto anda

Klik Save untuk Menyimpan Foto

Klik Save untuk Menyimpan Foto

Foto anda sudah jadi lebih menarik dan menyenangkan. Setelah anda save, maka anda sudah siap mengupload foto anda ke facebook, friendster, blog, maupun sekedar anda gunakan sebagai koleksi foto menarik anda. Silahkan edit foto – foto anda yang lain karena semuanya itu gratis :).

Selamat Mencoba

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13 February 2010

Facebook couples having sex 3 times

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Head of Liaison Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Amar said Joey Boy, based on recognition of Nt (14) to the investigator Polda Metro Jaya, Nt already engage in intercourse with her boyfriend, Feb (18), three times.

"From the results of the examination, admitted that he had done Nt intercourse three times," said Boy when met reporters in his office at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday (9/2/2010).

But, says Boy, it can not be sure whether the third body connection is done both without any coercion or not. "Still in depth. Nt been doing well in the RSCM vise. We are still waiting for the results," said Boy.

Nt with the police in February found Fisherman Restaurant in Tangerang in the morning. Nt with the status of junior high students were left with a familiar February through social networking Facebook since Saturday (6/2/2010).

Couple Escape Acts Facebook

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Introduction of Nt (14) to Feb (18) occurred since November 2008 through the social networking Facebook. The introduction was followed by exchanging phone numbers and there was more intensive communication between the two.

"It was their first meeting. Before they communicate via SMS and telephone," said Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya, Joey Boy Kombes Amar, the Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday (9/2/2010).

Nt a junior high student status as class II in Sidoarjo, East Java, and Feb which dropped out of school as class II in one of the SMK in Tangerang and unemployment status is now planned to go together if both are met.

"They have good communication. One in Sidoarjo one in Tangerang. The intention is only to the streets. Nova is also going," said Boy.

For three days he left his parents, said the Boy, Nt went for a walk together in February and stayed at an old people's homes in February Cijeruk, Serang. "Parents suspects had objected when the suspect took the woman into the house and stay," he said.

On Monday night, go Boy, the victim wanted to go home one family in Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, where the initial Nt before leaving. Prior to the BSD, the suspect took Nt first stop to his grandmother's house in Tangerang. At that moment, both in the police who were searching for the missing child received a report from the family Nt.

"They found another road near the house wanted to take his grandmother's house," he said.

As reported, Nt is a nephew of House members of the PDI-P faction, Joseph Umar Hadi, it came with his parents to Tangerang to attend an uncle's wedding Nt. However, after the Nova disappeared.

He was found Monday night and immediately divisum in RSCM. While in February and a suspect was arrested after questioning.

Do Gratuitous Thank Friends on Facebook

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - Anxiety is very normal parents of negative cases due to misuse of social networking Facebook. Moreover, victims of the negative impact of Facebook and more. In this week alone there were two girls become victims because teenagers who ran away with the familiar through Facebook.

Saturday (6/2/2010) and Nova (13), student of class II Junior High School in Sidoarjo, disappeared from her family home in Cluster City Alamanda Block L 14, Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Tangerang. New Nova discovered by police on Tuesday (9/2/2010) in Tangerang early morning moments with her boyfriend, aka Ari Febriari Power (18). Surprisingly, the police, Nova bersebadan confessed that his girlfriend three times during the run.

Recent events happened to the Binsar, residents Taman, Sidoarjo. They reported to the police because her daughter called Abelina until Wednesday (10/2/2010) has not been home since Saturday (6/2/2010) ago. Abel, 22 high school girls Surabaya, allegedly ran away with the man she met through Facebook. The man was allegedly named Januar aka JeJe, who has an account on Facebook Abel.

On October 25, 2009, Latifah (16), student from Jombang, carried away the man known for his Facebook, Anis Asmara (41). During the disappeared, Latifah confessed in Jakarta and in Bali. In fact, admitted that he had married Latifah siri with Anis, who claimed to residents Gianyar, Bali.

Facebook is the new style of community to hang out. According Tonny, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology University of Surabaya, there are negative and positive sides of social networking is called Facebook.

"Think back to the original purpose of making Facebook account. Is to make new friends, find old friends, or business, "says Tonny. Facebook is a social facilities are public.

So, as soon as someone writes or put a picture on the wall, must have known a lot. Well, that information should be submitted on Facebook do not get too personal. Photos too personally do not install.

If the account is intended to expand the network Facebook, add friends (add) whoever does not matter. However, back to you. Are "friends" on Facebook you can trust completely? For example there are people add your Facebook account using a name similar to the school friend. Need to ensure what it really your friend. "If your Facebook account is personal, should be selective in choosing new friends," said Tonny who pursue social psychology.

As far as contacts are made via Internet only, not a negative impact felt. However, if continued into the real world (see land), must be considered carefully. Be careful a lot safer. The promise of coffee should be ground in a public place or invite a friend.

"The problem arises when people really believed in his new acquaintance, invited everywhere will want to be," said Tonny. Thus, attention and parental supervision is required.

Keep in mind, in cyberspace, identity (ID) are fluid or liquid. People can use any ID to Facebook account. Want to defame someone so easily.

"I never met a case of a woman Facebook password is misused to spread the bad things, namely the claim to be sex workers," said Tonny. So, remember always to close the account before leaving the cafe because the password can be stolen from there.

Therefore, if the add (add friend), you should first check the information. Although not guarantee 100 percent safe, at least knew who he was. If not clear, in-ignore it.