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11 February 2010

Liquid Coal as Fuel

by Dian Shofinita

In the U.S., the coal industry is touting a plan to transform millions of tons of coal into diesel or other liquid fuels. Some parties considered that this plan is a process that is expensive and inefficient. The reason is simple: environmental issues. Liquid coal is produced when coal is converted into liquid fuels that can be used for transportation. There are two methods to convert coal into liquid fuels: - Direct Liquefaction In this method, coal is dissolved at high temperature and pressure. This process is very efficient, but the liquid products require further refining to produce the characteristics of good fuel. - Indirect Liquefaction In this method, coal digasifikasi to form syngas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). Syngas is then condensed by using a catalyst (Fischer-Tropsch stage) to produce high quality products.

Derived liquid fuels coal has a sulfur-free nature, low-yield particulates and nitrogen oxides yield low. Another advantage of using liquid coal is the coal available in the entire world, thus increasing the energy security of a region. However, some parties refused pengguanaan liquid coal as an alternative fuel. In use, liquid coal as an alternative fuel can be judged: 1. Increasing the negative impacts of coal mining 2. Effects of global warming almost twice the fuel per gallon

The spread of large-scale liquid coal plant can cause a significant increase of coal mining. Coal mining will have a negative effect harmful. These mines can cause a toxic waste and is acid and will contaminate the ground water. Besides increasing harmful effects on the environment, increased coal production could also have negative impacts on the people who live and work around the mining area. Liquid coal production requires coal and energy in large quantities. This process is also considered inefficient. In fact, only 1 ton of coal can be converted into 2 barrels of gasoline. Conversion process is inefficient, dirty coal properties, and energy needs of large quantities of liquid coal causes produce almost twice the global warming causing emissions than regular gasoline. Although carbon is released during the production captured and stored, liquid coal would still release 4 to 8 percent of global warming pollution more than ordinary gasoline.

Some experts claim that the use of liquid coal, including categories of "clean" because it is free of sulfur, but the coal converted into transportation fuels, two streams of carbon dioxide are formed: one from liquid coal production plants and one of the exhaust pipes of vehicles that burn the fuel. Emissions from liquid coal plants producing more than factories producing and refining crude oil to produce gasoline, diesel, and other transportation fuels. Besides the negative impact on global warming, liquid coal also has other negative impacts on the environment. More than 4 gallons of water needed for each gallon of fuel produced. This will threaten the water supply is limited. The effects of the above explains that the use of coal as an alternative fuel and harmful to the environment is inconsistent with the pursuit of global warming solutions. Some of the rate compared with using liquid coal as an alternative fuel, better to invest for the energy industry more environmentally friendly and help us solve global warming problems. Liquid coal, seen from the negative impact of the above, is not the right answer for the future of world energy.



In the U.S., the coal industry is touting a plan to transform millions of tons of coal into diesel or other liquid fuels. Some parties considered that this plan is a process that is expensive and inefficient. The reason is simple: environmental issues. Liquid coal is produced when coal is converted into liquid fuels that can be used for transportation. There are two methods to convert coal into liquid fuels: - Direct Liquefaction In this method, coal is dissolved at high temperature and pressure. This process is very efficient, but the liquid products require further refining to produce the characteristics of good fuel. - Indirect Liquefaction In this method, coal digasifikasi to form syngas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). Syngas is then condensed by using a catalyst (Fischer-Tropsch stage) to produce high quality products.
Proses Pembuatan Coal to LiquidLiquid Coal Processing

Derived liquid fuels coal has a sulfur-free nature, low-yield particulates and nitrogen oxides yield low. Another advantage of using liquid coal is the coal available in the entire world, thus increasing the energy security of a region. However, some parties refused pengguanaan liquid coal as an alternative fuel. In use, liquid coal as an alternative fuel can be judged:

  1. Increasing the negative impacts of coal mining
  2. Effects of global warming almost twice the fuel per gallon
Emisi CO2 CTL

CO2 Emission

Penyebaran skala besar pabrik batubara cair dapat menyebabkan peningkatan yang signifikan dari penambangan batubara. Penambangan batubara akan memberikan dampak negatif yang berbahaya. Penambangan ini dapat menyebabkan limbah yang beracun dan bersifat asam serta akan mengkontaminasi air tanah. Selain dapat meningkatkan efek berbahaya terhadap lingkungan, peningkatan produksi batubara juga dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada orang-orang yang tinggal dan bekerja di sekitar daerah penambangan. Produksi batubara cair membutuhkan batubara dan energi dalam jumlah yang besar. Proses ini juga dinilai tidak efisien. Faktanya, 1 ton batubara hanya dapat dikonversi menjadi 2 barel bensin. Proses konversi yang tidak efisien, sifat batubara yang kotor, dan kebutuhan energi dalam jumlah yang besar tersebut menyebabkan batubara cair menghasilkan hampir dua kali lipat emisi penyebab global warming dibandingkan dengan bensin biasa. Walaupun karbon yang terlepas selama produksi ditangkap dan disimpan, batubara cair tetap akan melepaskan 4 hingga 8 persen polusi global warming lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bensin biasa.

Emisi Berbagai Bahan Bakar

Emisi Berbagai Bahan Bakar

Beberapa ahli menyatakan bahwa penggunaan batubara cair termasuk kategori “bersih” karena bebas sulfur, namun saat batubara diubah menjadi bahan bakar transportasi, dua aliran karbon dioksida terbentuk: satu dari pabrik produksi batubara cair dan satu dari pipa pembuangan kendaraan yang membakar bahan bakar tersebut. Emisi dari pabrik produsen batubara cair lebih besar daripada pabrik produsen dan pemurnian minyak mentah untuk memproduksi bensin, diesel, dan bahan bakar transportasi lainnya. Selain berdampak negatif pada global warming, batubara cair juga memiliki dampak negatif lain terhadap lingkungan. Lebih dari 4 gallon air dibutuhkan untuk setiap gallon bahan bakar yang diproduksi. Hal ini akan mengancam persediaan air yang terbatas. Dampak-dampak di atas menjelaskan bahwa penggunaan batubara sebagai bahan bakar alternatif berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan tidak sejalan dengan pencarian solusi masalah global warming. Beberapa pihak menilai dibandingkan dengan menggunakan batubara cair sebagai bahan bakar alternatif, lebih baik berinvestasi untuk industri energi yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan membantu kita menyelesaikan permasalahan global warming. Batubara cair, dilihat dari dampak negatif di atas, bukanlah jawaban yang tepat untuk masa depan energi dunia.



Gambar: http://www.energyandoil.com/the-coal-to-liquid-debate-part-i http://www.greencar.com/articles/five-fuels-driving-future.php

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