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14 February 2010

Hundreds of School Students Reject Valentine

Republika OnLine

Sunday, 14 February 2010

CIREBON - Not all teenagers to support the celebration of love or who is known as Valentine Day. The proof, hundreds of school children in Kota Cirebon action rejection usual celebration commemorated every February 14 is.

Hundreds of students came from junior high, MTS, and MI Darul Hikam, Panjunan Sub-District, District Lemahwungkuk, Kota Cirebon. They held a rejection of action at the school yard, Saturday (13 / 2), after studying at around 11:00 pm. In action, they held a white cloth measuring approximately ten meters. Above the fabric, the students then put their signatures as a symbol of the celebration of Valentine's rejection.

Not only that, the students also prepare a variety of attributes and posters that contain criticism of the celebration of Valentine. They judge, not a cultural celebration of Indonesia and not in accordance with the teachings of Islam. "We're bringing some friends so as not to celebrate Valentine's Day which is the culture of the infidels," said a 3rd grader Darul Hikam MTS Cirebon, Nurhayati.

Action was actually initiated by the school. Therefore, in addition to the students followed, the action was also followed by the teachers. In turn, a number of representatives of students and teachers also make speeches. Interval 60 minutes later, the action closed with prayer. Principal Madrasyah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Darul Hikam, Kurnida, explained, it was deliberately invites students to reject the celebration of Valentine's Day.

In addition to action against the celebration of valentine's rejection, the opportunity was also held fund-raising for the baby bilqis Anindia. 17-month-old baby was Atesia biliary disease, biliary tract disorder that is not normally formed. To operate the disease, bilqis require funds of around Rp 1 billion.

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