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28 December 2009


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Blooded patrician, a direct descendant of King of Yogyakarta, but rather chose to live simpler with the commoners. Prince Diponegoro is one of the dreaded fighters Dutch colonizers.

July 20, 1825
Castle residence of Prince Diponegoro, Tegal Rejo

Outer wall of sound explosion weapon three times, the war has begun. The north side, east and south of the Dutch troops had been besieged. Warriors who lived on the west side to fight hard. Under the leadership of Joyomustopo and Joyoprawiro, the army pushed back. Different strengths far. A man in white with a white turban wrapped around her head, calmly and wisely chose to break down the western wall of the castle. With a few broken wall breakthrough. One command to save the family and the remaining army. With his entire army, the white-robed men prefer away to the west. A tough decision for the safety of family and laskarnya.
"Real war was about to begin" he thought to himself.
Diponegoro Kanjeng

Born in the Sultan's Palace on November 11, 1785, a small named Raden Mas Bandoro Ontowiryo and as an adult title of Prince Diponegoro Kanjeng is the eldest son of Raden Ayu Mangkorowati (daughter of the Regent Pacitan) concubine of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III (HB III).

Prince Diponegoro was more interested in religious life and equality with the people, so he chose to stay in the Village Tegalrejo.
Java War

During the leadership of HB V (1822), Prince Diponegoro not approve if the system is held by the government with Danurejo Patih Dutch Investigation. The revolt culminated in the year 1825, after the Dutch made the road connecting Yogyakarta and Magelang He passed the home page (now the railroad tracks). Dutch did not ask permission to get resistance from Prince Prince and laskarnya. The Dutch have reason to arrest Prince Diponegoro for votes had rebelled, on July 20, 1825 surrounded his residence. Urgency, the Prince and his family and his army to escape to the west until Village Dekso Kulonprogo district, and continued south until he reached the cave Selarong located five kilometers west of the town of Bantul.

While the Dutch who did not catch Prince Diponegoro burned down the residence of Prince.

In Goa, located in Selarong Kentolan Lor village, Bantul Displays Guwosari, Prince Diponegoro basis for guerrilla strategy against the Dutch. Prince occupies the western cave called Cave Kakung, who also became his sanctuary. While Retnaningsih Raden Ayu (the most loyal concubine accompanied Prince after his wife died two) and his retinue occupied Goa Princess in the east.

Diponegoro War in history books written by Dutch writer called Java Oorlog (War of Java), lasted until 1830. In this war, the Dutch loss of not less than 15,000 soldiers and spend funds up to 20 million guilders.
Making History Sasana Wiratama

Located about 4 miles from the center of Yogyakarta, an area of 2.5 hectares of land which was initially managed by the Department of Tourism and Culture, delivered by the heirs of Prince Diponegoro, Raden Ayu Kanjangteng Diponegoro, to be his monument after signing a letter of submission with Hajar Dewantara and Nyi Raden Kanjeng Tumenggung Purejodiningrat. In the land that now belongs to Sultan's Palace that began mid-1968 to 19 August 1969 built a monument to the building adjoining Pringgitan with marquee right in the middle of the complex is initiated by Major General Surono was the then regional commanders (Commander) and inaugurated by the President Suharto. This place was then called Sasana Wiratama which means the soldiers.

Prince Diponegoro Monument is carved reliefs on the walls Pringgitan with 20 meters long and 4 feet tall, told state Tegalrejo a peaceful village and peaceful, Diponegoro's war against the Dutch Government to get caught in Magelang. This monument is a statue carved by the artist Drs. Saptoto of Indonesian Fine Arts Academy (ASRI), assisted Sutopo, Sokodiharjo, and Askabul. On both sides of the monument are these images of themselves in the west of Prince and Prince's painting of black horse is ready to fight in the east.

Passing through the main gate, turn to the west, surrounded by the museum hall, the walls broken, mess and library. The building addition includes gate pavilion built in 1970 and 1973 led Alm. Major General Widodo. While the wall was breached and its legacy of Prince Diponegoro a Padasan (Prince berwudlu place) located in front of the pavilion and the Stone Comboran (eating and drinking places horses Prince) in the southeastern part of the marquee.

In front of the building situated on the road in the village of HOS Cokroaminoto Tegalrejo, there is a statue of Lieutenant General Urip Soemohardjo labeled "Order. Contre-Ordre. Desordre!" on the east side and the Great Commander General Sudirman marked "Do not complacent" in the west side. This statue is only a symbol as a place to commemorate the struggle for independence the Indonesian nation. After passing through the gate there is a wall eight feet tall is more shaped like a dome of a mosque at the top of the image of a giant fighting a dragon. "Image is significantly yellow Basuki Butho Bawono Mekso which is Sengkolo Suryo Memet, who wore a picture sengkalan" said Mr. Budiman in YogYES. Every known Sengkalan means read it backwards. Sengkalan which means 5281 has a meaning in 1825 as a sign of Prince Diponegoro war.
Remains Goods

Diponegoro Museum collection numbering 100 pieces, which consists of a variety of original weapons from the army of Diponegoro war weapons, coins, agate to household appliances. Various weapons such as spears, keris, swords, arrows, "bandil" (a kind of hammer made of iron), "patrem" (female warrior weapon), until "Candrasa" (a sharp weapon that looks like a pin) are commonly used "telik password "(a spy) women. While a number of artificial appliance 1700s brass betel consists of places and "kecohan" it (the mebuang saliva), the "canting" (tools for batik), pot 'bingsing ", bowl to various forms" kacip "(a tool to split betel nut).

In this museum also saved two sacred weapons, namely a keris with curves 21 named Kyai Omyang, artificial seornag master who lived during the Majapahit kingdom and the sword that came from the Kingdom of Demak. Both weapons are believed to be refused reinforcements.

There is also a small statue of Ganesh, the rope to pull the carriage horse gift horse HB VIII, a pair of statues and a pair of Loro Blonyo lights. In the marquee can be seen a set of gamelan instruments made in HB 1752 II ketipung form (small drum) and wilahan boning penembung made of wood and bronze red and yellow. The whole "wilahan" or the iron is still the original, only wooden gamelan are already replaced because of rotting with age. There is also a pair of cannons on the front and a cannon in the east hall.

In addition to broken walls, and Padasan Stone Comboran, there are relics of another prince in Magelang (Book of the Holy Qur'an, Cups and Teko, Cloak Prince and Four Chairs One Table), in Jakarta Satria Mandala Museum (saddle horse and spear) and a property kris Prince who has not returned and are still stored in the Netherlands.
A Great Warrior's departure

After the war for five years and suffered great losses and promising rewards for 50,000 guilders could grasp Prince Diponegoro, the Netherlands has not been able to membekuk Prince.

* February 16, 1830, Colonel Cleerens meet Prince Diponegoro in Remo Kamal, Bagelan, Purworejo, to take conferred in Magelang. The suggestion was approved Prince.
* On March 28, 1830, with laskarnya, Prince Diponegoro to meet Lieutenant-Governor-General Mark de Kock. At the meeting Prince De Kock forced to stop the war. Prince denied the request. But the Netherlands, through Colonel Du Perron had been carefully prepared ambush. Prince and the entire laskarnya successfully disabled. That same day the prince was exiled to Ungaran then taken to a House Residency Semarang.
* On 5 April 1830 was taken to Batavia to use Pollux ship.
* 11 April 1830 when he got in Batavia, he was arrested in Stadhuis (current Building Museum Fatahillah).
* 30 April 1830, the Governor-General Van den Bosch exile condemned the Prince Diponegoro, Retnaningsih, Tumenggung Diposono and wife, and other followers like Mertoleksono, Bull Planthopper also Nyai Sotaruno to Manado.
* May 3, 1830, the group departed the ship Prince Pollux and imprisoned at Fort Amsterdam. Dutch prince who was still a threat, because in this place can still communicate with people.
* In the year 1834 was exiled separately. Prince with Retnaningsih exiled to Makassar, South Sulawesi, and on hold at Fort Roterdam in strict supervision.
* In this castle, the Prince is no longer free to move. Spending her days with Retnaningsih, Prince Diponegoro finally breathed his last breath on January 8, 1855. He remains buried in Kampung Melayu Makassar, alongside Retnaningsih tomb.

After 151 years, leaving he remains a big loss for the nation of Indonesia. A spirit of struggle without giving up familiar words.

Remembering a great warrior nation can in many ways. But if you want to feel more closely how the spirit of resistance of Prince Diponegoro, a perforated wall will be a silent witness that will tell. A wall that fight with his bare hands until the hole. Unusual scene of course, and it is only in the Sasana Wiratama. (YogYES.COM: R. Shah)

Museum Sasana Wiratama / Diponegoro Monument
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto TR.III/430 Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta
Phone: 62 274 6226 68.

Schedule of visits:
Day Monday to Saturday: At 08.00 s / d 13:00
Sunday: Closed
Entrance Fee: Voluntary

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